Introduction to Continuum Mechanics 3rd ed. - W. Lai, D. Rubin, E. Krempl
Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd (1978)
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Continuum Mechanics, Science / Mechanics / General, Technology & Engineering / Automation

This revised text provides a clear introduction to modern continuum mechanics aimed at beginners in the field. The concept of tensors is introduced through the idea of linear transformation. The interrelation of direct notation, indicial notation of cartesian tensors, and matrix operations is clearly presented. A most useful feature of the book is the many worked examples (over 100) which fully illustrate the various aspects of the subject and both the student and lecturer will find the problems and answers (over 250) of inestimable value for teaching and self study. Units are given in both the SI/Metric and Imperial systems where appropriate

Product Details
Format e-Book
No. of Pages 324
Height x Width 240 mm