Gallic War - de Bello Gallico I - Julius Caesar, Gajus Julius Caesar
Duckworth Publishing (2009)
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Book I of Caesar's Commentaries on the Gallic War starts with an account of Gaul and goes on to cover Caesar's defeat of first the Helvetians and then the Germans under Ariovistus. The Introduction to this edition of the Latin text, first published by Bell & Hyman in 1957, gives background information on the Rome of Caesar's time, on Caesar himself and on the composition and relaibility of his commentaries, on Gaul, and on the Roman Army. Useful maps are provided, along with Notes on the text, Index of names, and a Vocabulary.

Editor Colin Ewan

Product Details
Format Paperback
Nr of Pages 160
Height x Width 2 x 1 mm
Original Publication Year 1986
Personal Details
Links Barnes & Noble

Ursprungligen utg.: London : Bell & Sons Ltd., 1957